Sunday, September 7, 2008


Yeah...I don't know what it means either.

But it's etched on the blade of this sword...

Actually, it says "D,O,S,R". With commas.

I still don't know what that means.

Some guesses:
"Daughters of the Spanish Revolution"
"Doing Our Sacred Rites"
"Delaware Oughta Sell Rehoboth"
"Dolphins, Otters, Sharks, and Rays"


Of course, many others could be thought of. This is probably a lodge sword, used by a fraternal organization to denote rank or merit.

The handle is bone, not plastic. You can tell by sticking a hot needle on it - plastic melts, bone doesn't. By the way, horn smells like hair when you do this...

The pommel is a knight or maybe a legionnaire (Roman).

If anyone knows a D.O.S.R., please let me know...

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