Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'm grappling with a problem...

This is another one that's not necessarily a weapon, although I challenge you to get hit in the chops with this without complaining a bit afterward...

This old grappling hook was given to me by by friend...well, let's call him "Mac" since that's the name he uses. Anyway, the uses for a grappling hook should be obvious to all but the most sheltered of landlubbers. This one is a hand forged one, as evidenced by the tool marks. I'm not sure how old it is or where it came from, although I've seen a number of similar hooks in antique stores on Maryland's Eastern Shore (of the Chesapeake Bay). There may be some region-specific use that I'm not aware of...

Anyway, whether antique or just provincial, no self-respecting pirate should be without a grapnel in order to board a prize!

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