Saturday, March 7, 2009

Another little folder

This is a Schrade "Classics" folder, given to me as a 2008 Christmas present. Sadly, it is a newer model made in China, rather than in New York state. This is actually a nice little knife for those occasions on which a belt clip folder would be inappropriate (e.g., weddings, meetings, etc.), and a nice discreet pocket knife is the order of the day.

Friday, March 6, 2009

It's Fossil Friday #5

Here's a scallop shell in rock matrix. If you look closely, you'll see other shell bits in the matrix, too. This one came from a Chesapeake Bay beach in Maryland.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Silver flags

These are pure silver ingot reproductions of early American flags (including the "Don't Tread on ME" flag - bottom row, fifth from the left). I think this was one of those "Franklin Mint" promotional from the U.S. Bicentennial (1976). My grandparents bought it for me way back then, and it sat on their shelf for a number of years. I think I only got it after my grandfather died a few years ago. I'm not sure of the collector's value, but the silver is probably worth whatever the current market price is.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Voodoo Jar #2

The top of this bottle was originally "Mr. Nut" - a hollowed nut I found floating in the bay while trawling. I added the stick, drilled the eye holes, and put on the copper wire arms all while at the helm of a boat repeatedly going 3 mph over (more or less) the same bottom - in January.

The other embellishments include assorted odds and ends in the jar (beach glass, buttons, etc.), a copper bell, a bone fish, skull and crossbones ribbon, and a cork studded with rusty pins and nails...

Authentically vodou? Hardly. Cool looking approximation of the trope? Absolutely.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Give me a sign...

Here's a hand-painted sign from the famous Southampton Yacht Club, famously name-checked by Jim Bacchus as Thurston Howell on the hit series Gilligan's Island.

I don't recall how I came by this unusual piece, and I'm also sure the statute of limitations has long ago expired ;-)

I have no idea where I got this. Honest!

Monday, March 2, 2009


This is a modern reproduction of a Francisca. This battle axe can be read about here. I'm in the process of trying to find and fit a handle. This sucker is big - like 2 lbs worth of iron...

Sunday, March 1, 2009


I can't get this image of an old "isded" bottle flipped around, so you'll just have to deal with it. Another Port Mahon find...