Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Look at this chopper!

This machete-looking thing is a klewang. These were/are used as tools and as weapons in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. I don't know where this particular one hails from, but the carved wooden handle sure is decorative.

This piece may be old (i.e. WWII), or it may be more recent but used. The leather bindings on the two-piece scabbard are not original - I understand that these scabbards were usually bound with vegetable fiber rather than leather.

I've never struck anyone or anything with this, but the heft is almost perfect for a light-duty machete. And I've swung a few machetes in my day making trails for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I'd have loved something like this instead of cheap government issue junk or worse yet, the stupid Sandvik Axes they made us use (supposedly in the interest of safety).

The only better chopper I've ever come across is...well, let's save that for another post.

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