Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A primative poker...

This one I made myself. It's a deer antler, cleaned, polished and equipped with a tarred line grip. It has no cutting edge, so it's strictly a stabber. I was going through a primitive (i..e paleolithic) thing for a while, so I had a passing interest in plausible ancient weaponry. Somewhere I have a sling that I braided up out of jute twine and a leather pouch, and briefly attempted to launch stones with it. Since this effort required more coordination than I have and a level of practice that I found off-putting, I consigned my primitives to the shelf.

Incidentally, the hide that this piece is sitting on is a genuine Vodou (of Voodoo, or Vodun) drum from Haiti, and is estimated to be over 100 years old. I also collect and play ethnic musical instruments, so I may incorporate some of them into this blog as it progresses. It's not weaponry, I know, but it's still cool.

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