Sunday, December 28, 2008

View from the lighthouse

This is a painting I did about 10 year ago - it's acrylic on canvas stretched behind an old window frame I found on the beach. It depicts the view, looking north up the Delaware Bay from the old Port Mahon lighthouse as it might have been when said lighthouse still stood. The lighthouse was destroyed by arsonists and is now only a memory and a few pilings...

I sold this to a Delaware judge a few years back. I assume it still graces his office at the courthouse.

I apologize for the poor quality of the image - it was taken long before I had a digital camera. This is a scan of a photo print (the price tag in the upper right corner is from when this piece was in an art show).

Not far from where this lighthouse stood is an old bottle dump from which I gleaned many an old bottle. I'll post some of these soon.

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