Monday, January 19, 2009

Gewehr 98

Here's an old German Mauser Gewehr 98 variant chambered in .308. This one is pretty old and clunky - I bought it back when old Mausers were less than $100 at local department stores (at least in Delaware). You can follow the link above for Wikipedia information on these rifles.

This also marks the beginning of a departure for this blog - early on I had committed to avoid "modern" guns in my collection, however, I soon discovered that this is somewhat of a slippery slope since I've already posted some "modern" rimfire and centerfire weapons. Since this distinction is really somewhat arbitrary, I've decided to include real modern centerfire and rimfire weapons on this blog (i.e. those weapons that I'm morally obligated to keep in the big gun safe). I've made this decision for three reasons:

1. It's my blog, and I can do whatever I want.
2. These pieces are no less interesting to me than the old flintlocks and such.
3. No one is (to date) reading this anyway!

So, expect some modern pieces mixed in with the other interesing tidbits I post.

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