Monday, February 16, 2009

Copper post card

Again, I'm no stamp collector of philatist, but this is a pretty cool, USPS-legal post card that was published by the Air Force during Operation Desert Shield. This was the 1990 build up of American forces in Saudi Arabia following Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. At the time (as I recall), everyone feared that Iraq (under Saddam Hussein) would push on through Kuwait into S.A.

This was the precursor to our involvement in the "Gulf War" (the first one) called "Operation Desert Storm". To many, Iraq's aggression leading up to this conflict has been long overshadowed by the current war in the region - ostensibly against "terror". Whatever - Saddam had to go. This piece is a nice callback to what he was really up to in 1990 - and thugs like him never learn.

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