Monday, February 9, 2009

Tavern horn

Pewter tavern horn - this comes from a mixed tradition of imagery. First, it echoes the typical "hunting horn" of European fox hunting fame. Second, it continues a long European penchant for "drinking horns". This one has a Lyman crown hallmark on the bottom. I doubt it's that old, although I remember by dad drinking beer out of it when I was a tyke. He used to put it in the freezer so his Lowenbrau would have a nice frosty mug. If I recall correctly, my first sip of beer was out of this mug when I was probably 4 or 5. I recall liking beer, although I recall it having a strange metallic taste. Now that I'm older and wiser, I recognize that the metallic taste probably came either from this mug or from the Lowenbrau itself.

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