Evidently, the guy had been an Air Force Chief Master Sergeant in Vietnam, off of his second tour of active duty. The note said that during "unofficial" operations in Laos, he had acquired a number of gold artifacts, as well as a substantial amount of heroin, which he planned to sell. Under imminent threat of death on his sinking sailboat, he revealed the hiding place of both the gold and the heroin in what I assume is his last note. He said that the loot was buried in the corner of an old tobacco drying barn in North Carolina, and provided details on how to find it.
Well, a year or two after finding this note, I happened to be within about 30 miles of this location while on Spring Break, and a few of us decided to see it the note was for real. Under cover of darkness (on a rainy night), we located the barn and snuck in. Using an old G.I. trenching tool, we dug in the corner of the barn where the note said the stuff would be. After only about three inches, we hit something hard. After taking away a bit more dirt, we found three large ammo cans buried in the corner of that barn.
As for thier contents...well, let's just say that my student loans are paid in full, and also that it happens to be april fool's day.
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