Sunday, September 14, 2008

Itty Bitty # 1

Every dog has his day...

Even lazy ones.

This little, itty bitty bomb is no bomb at all. This diminutive specimen next to the standard U.S. penny is a Lazy Dog (alternatively Devil Dog). These nasties were included in U.S. non-explosive cluster munitions in WWII and later in Vietnam. The idea was that an airburst of these things over Berlin, Dusseldorf, Hoh Chi Mihn City, or Newark, NJ would bring a swift end to the war. If only they dropped more of them over the last city, things might be different today...

These little things are still sold by the barrelful at gun shows everywhere. They usually run for about $1.00 U.S. apiece. They are so vanilla that I only include one here as a segue into a series of posts on itty bitty things, and so that I could make a Newark, NJ joke... It's OK - I live in Delaware.

Go ahead. Laugh.

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