Saturday, September 13, 2008

Oh deer...

Oh, this piece is SO tacky I'm hesitant to even post it. This ugly thing is an American (who else?) sheath knife in the tradition of Daniel Boone meets Open Season. While otherwise perfectly normal and well proportioned, the handle of this monstrosity is a deer's hoof. With fur.

Words fail me. It what frigging universe is a knife handle made of deer hoof and fur practical, let alone appealing? I include this here because it was a gift from an old friend, who inherited this...specimen...from her now-deceased father and who thought my collection would be a fitting repository for this...thing.

I'm flattered.

On the other hand, a three-legged deer-foot lamp is probably already available at a flea market near you. If you find it, drop me a line and we can begin the process of reassembly...

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